Friday, March 14, 2008



This is a poem dedicated to my new born niece...the angel from heaven :)


I remember asking God, what was it,
That kept Him working hard for days.
What was it that had kept Him from
Listening to all my sanguine prays.

He never told me what it was,
Till one fine day, out of the blue
I heard a voice that changed my life,
And swamped my world with charm undue.

A voice that knew no truth, no lies
Needed no words, no expressions to say
The most precious prayer ever chanted,
And said it all, the most candid way.

A voice my ears were dying to hear,
A cry that filled my heart with joy.
The sweetest song I've ever heard.
The angel had come, ahoy ahoy ahoy!!

And then I saw this fairy move,
Her arms and legs in a dancing way.
As if delighted on her advent
To the world that changes every day.

The little hands went to and fro,
Full of energy, full of delight.
Hands that'll one day move the world,
Fulfill the dreams, spread the light.

Hands that'll work with endless passion
And yet be gentle enough to care,
Hands that'll never leave a friend,
Hands that'll help, hands that'll dare.

And then I saw those beautiful eyes,
The two most precious pearls of all.
Twinkling like a pair of stars,
They'd shine until the heavens fall.

I wonder at the depth they had,
With hopes and dreams of better time.
The eyes that had to witness yet
Scenes of charity, scenes of crime.

And yet their shine proclaimed to say
That all'd be right, all'd be fine.
That all'd be better, 'coz she had come
A gift from God, a soul divine.